Sunday, 8 July 2012

oracle aia foundation pack 11g

oracle aia foundation pack 
The AIA Foundation Pack provides Enterprise Business Objects, Enterprise Business Services, Enterprise Business Messages, Enterprise Business Flows and supports the development of Application Business Connector Services. Before we go deep into their definitions we will look at the bigger picture.

How do these various artifacts work together? This slide illustrates how each is used in an integration scenario.
We will work from bottom right to bottom left.
This diagram shows an integration between Siebel and the E-Business Suite.

  1. When an Order is processed in EBS it needs to retrieve information from Siebel CRM.
  2. EBS passes the request to its Application Business Connector Service (ABCS).
  3. The ABCS converts the request into a standard or canonical format.
  4. The ABCS sends the Enterprise Business Message (EBM) on to the the Enterprise Business Service “Get-Sales-Order”. The contents of the EBM could be customer ID or Name or some other identifying information.
  5. The Enterprise Businesss Service passes the EBM on to the Siebel Application Business Connector Service (ABCS).
  6. The Siebel ABCS validates and transforms the information request message into a format that Siebel understands. It is converting the standard/canonical format to Siebel’s format.
  7. It then retrieves the customer information back and passes it back in a standard/canonical Customer Business Object.
  8. The Enterprise Business Service then passes the Customer Business Object back to the E-Business Suite ABCS in an Enterprise Business Message.
  9. The E-Business Suite ABCS converts the canonical version into an EBS specific transaction and passes it to the E-Business Suite.
All of these steps would normally be completed in less than a second.
The interesting thing to note is that the ABCS for each application must convert a canonical Enterprise Business Message containing an Enterprise Business Object both to and from the special Application format. On the request it converts it from canonical format and on the response it converts it back to canonical format. Each ABCS is specific to its application and knows nothing about the applications it might be passing information to and from.
Instead the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) acts as the middleman by passing the canonical version of the Enterprise Business Object (EBO) contained in the Enterprise Business Message (EBM). Having the EBS ensures that the two ABCS Services do NOT have to know anything about other applications. If this was not the case then there would need to be a separate ABCS for every Business Object type and every application that was being communicated with.


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