Saturday, 16 June 2012


weblogic interview questions and answers

36.What is the default Weblogic provided domain template file name and location?

Wls.jar is the default domain template and the location is WL_HOME\common\templates\domains

37.What are the elements of the Administration console?
  • Change Center
  • Domain Structure
  • How do I…
  • Tool Bar
  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • System Status
38.What are the Node elements of the Administration console or Domain Structure?
  • Environment (Servers, Clusters, Virtual Hosts, Migratable Targets,  Machines …)
  • Deployment
  • Services (Messaging, JDBC, Persistent Store, JTA, File T3, jCOM …)
  • Security Realms
  • Interoperability
  • Diagnostics (Log Files, Diagnostics Modules, Diagnostics Images, Archives, Context)
39.What are the Tool Bar elements in Weblogic?
  • Welcome Message
  • Connected to
  • Home
  • Log Out
  • Preferences
  • Record
  • Help
  • Search
40.How will you enable the Administration Console?

By default, the Administration Console is enabled. If you disable it, you can re-enable it using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Start the Administration Server, then invoke WLST and use the following commands: 
Using WLST to Re-enable the Console 
The following attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans which require server re-start.MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=mydomain,Type=Domain Attributes changed : 
Activation complete

41.How will you Enable and disable the domain configuration lock?

The Administration Console Change Center provides a way to lock a domain configuration so you can make changes to the configuration while preventing other accounts from making changes during your edit session.
The domain configuration locking feature is always enabled in production domains. It can be enabled or disabled in development domains. It is disabled by default when you create a new development domain.
To enable or disable the domain configuration locking feature in a development domain:
  • In the banner toolbar region at the top of the right pane of the Console, click Preferences.
  • Click User Preferences.
  • Select or clear Automatically Acquire Lock and Activate Changes to enable or disable the feature.
  • Click Save.
  • After you finish
When you enable domain configuration locking, you must use the Change Center to lock and edit for the domain configuration.

42.What are Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Changes in the Weblogic Console? what is the difference?

Some changes you make in the Administration Console take place immediately when you activate them. Other changes require you to restart the server or module affected by the change. These latter changes are called non-dynamic changes. Non-dynamic changes are indicated in the Administration Console with this warning icon,.
Changes to dynamic configuration attributes become available once they are activated, without restarting the affected server or system restart. These changes are made available to the server and run-time hierarchies once they are activated. Changes to non-dynamic configuration attributes require that the affected servers or system resources be restarted before they become effective.
If a change is made to a non-dynamic configuration setting, no changes to dynamic configuration settings will take effect until after restart. This is to assure that a batch of updates having a combination of dynamic and non-dynamic attribute edits will not be partially activated.
Note that WebLogic Server’s change management process applies to changes in domain and server configuration data, not to security or application data. 

43.What is the information is going to store in the “security” folder of the Domain directory contents?

This directory holds the security-related files that are the same for every WebLogic Server instance in the domain:
  • SerializedSystemIni.dat
This directory also holds security-related files that are only needed by the domain’s Administration Server:
  • DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift
  • DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
  • DefaultRoleMapperInit.ldift
44.What is the use of SerializedSystemIni.dat file in Weblogic?

It is important to protect passwords that are used to access resources in a WebLogic Server domain. In the past, usernames and passwords were stored in clear text in a WebLogic security realm. Now all the passwords in a WebLogic Server domain are hashed. The SerializedSystemIni.dat file contains the hashes for the passwords. It is associated with a specific WebLogic Server domain so it cannot be moved from domain to domain.
If the SerializedSystemIni.dat file is destroyed or corrupted, you must reconfigure the WebLogic Server domain. Therefore, you should take the following precautions:
Make a backup copy of the SerializedSystemIni.dat file and put it in a safe location. 
Set permissions on the SerializedSystemIni.dat file such that the system administrator of a WebLogic Server deployment has write and read privileges and no other users have any privileges.

45.Explain about Domain Directory Contents?

By default, WebLogic Server creates domain directories under the BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains directory. This section describes the contents of the domain directory and its subfolders. In this section, domain-name, deployment-name, and server-name represent names that you define when you create a domain. 
Individual applications in a domain might create additional files and directories in the domain directory. 
If you have not yet created a domain, you can see an example of an existing domain directory by looking in WL_HOME/examples/domains/wl_server where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server. 
The name of this directory is the name of the domain. 
This directory provides a quick way to deploy applications in a development server. When the WebLogic Server instance is running in development mode, it automatically deploys any applications or modules that you place in this directory.
The files you place in this directory can be Java EE applications, such as:
  • An EAR file
  • A WAR, EJB JAR, RAR, or CAR archived module
  • An exploded archive directory for either an application or a module
This directory contains scripts that are used in the process of starting and stopping the Administration Server and the Managed Servers in the domain. These scripts are generally provided as .sh files for UNIX and .cmd files for Windows. The bin directory can optionally contain other scripts of domain-wide interest, such as scripts to start and stop database management systems, full-text search engine processes, etc. 
This directory contains the current configuration and deployment state of the domain. The central domain configuration file, config.xml, resides in this directory.
Config/configCache :
Contains data that is used to optimize performance when validating changes in the domain’s configuration documents. This data is internal to WebLogic Server and does not need to be backed up.
Config/diagnostics :
This directory contains system modules for instrumentation in the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework.
Config/jdbc :
This directory contains system modules for JDBC: global JDBC modules that can be configured directly from JMX (as opposed to JSR-88).
Config/jms :
This directory contains system modules for JMS: global JMS modules that can be configured directly from JMX (as opposed to JSR-88).
Config/lib :
This directory is not used in the current release of WebLogic Server.
Config/nodemanager :
This directory holds configuration information for connection to the Node Manager.
Config/security :
This directory contains system modules for the security framework. It contains one security provider configuration extension for each kind of security provider in the domain’s current realm.
Config/startup :
This directory contains system modules that contain startup plans. Startup plans are used to generate shell scripts that can be used as part of server startup.
ConfigArchive :
This directory contains a set of JAR files that save the domain’s configuration state. Just before pending changes to the configuration are activated, the domain’s existing configuration state, consisting of the config.xml file and the other related configuration files, is saved in a versioned JAR file with a name like config.jar#1, config.jar#2, etc.
The maximum number of versioned JAR files to be kept is specified by the archiveConfigurationCount attribute of DomainMBean. Once this maximum number is reached, the oldest conversion archive is deleted before a new one is created.
Console-ext :
This directory contains extensions to the Administration Console, which enable you to add content to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, replace content, and change the logos, styles and colors without modifying the files that are installed with WebLogic Server. For example, you can add content that provides custom monitoring and management facilities for your applications. See Extending the Administration Console.
Init-info :
This directory contains files used for WebLogic domain provisioning. You should not modify any files in this directory.
Lib :
Any JAR files you put in this directory are added to the system classpath of each server instance in the domain when the server’s Java virtual machine starts.
Pending :
This directory contains domain configuration files representing configuration changes that have been requested, but not yet activated. Once the configuration changes have been activated, the configuration files are deleted from this directory. 
Security :
This directory holds those security-related files that are the same for every WebLogic Server instance in the domain:
  • SerializedSystemIni.dat
This directory also holds security-related files that are only needed by the domain’s Administration Server:
  • DefaultAuthorizerInit.ldift
  • DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
  • DefaultRoleMapperInit.ldift
 Servers :
This directory contains one subdirectory for each WebLogic Server instance in the domain. The subdirectories contain data that is specific to each server instance.
Servers/server-name :
This directory is the server directory for the WebLogic Server instance with the same name as the directory.
Servers/server-name/bin :
This directory holds executable or shell files that can be or must be different for each server. The server environment script ( or setServerEnv.cmd) is an example of a file that resides here because it can differ from one WebLogic Server instance to the next, for example, depending on whether the server instance has its own startup plan.
This directory holds directories and files that contain cached data. By “cached” here we mean that the data is a copy, possibly in a processed form (compiled, translated, or reformatted), of other data.
Servers/server-name/cache/EJBCompilerCache :
This directory is a cache for compiled EJBs.
Servers/server-name/data :
This directory holds files that maintain persistent per-server state used to run the WebLogic Server instance, other than security state, as opposed to temporary, cached or historical information. Files in this directory are important data that must be retained as the WebLogic Server instance is brought up, is brought down, crashes, restarts, or is upgraded to a new version.
Servers/server-name/data/ldap :
This directory holds the embedded LDAP database. The run-time security state for the WebLogic Server instance is persisted in this directory.
This directory holds WebLogic persistent stores. For each persistent store, there is a subdirectory that holds the files that represent the persistent store. The name of the subdirectory is the name of the persistent store. By convention there is one store named default.
Servers/server-name/logs :
This directory holds logs and diagnostic information. This information is historical in nature. It is not crucial to the operation of the server, and can be deleted (while the WebLogic Server instance is down, at least) without affecting proper operation. However, the information can be quite useful for debugging or auditing purposes and should not be deleted without good reason.
Servers/server-name/logs/diagnostic_images :
This directory holds information created by the Server Image Capture component of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework.
Servers/server-name/logs/jmsServers :
This directory contains one subdirectory for each JMS server in the WebLogic Server instance. Each such subdirectory contains the logs for that JMS server. The name of the subdirectory is the name of the JMS server.
Servers/server-name/logs/connector :
This directory is the default base directory for connector module (JCA ResourceAdapter) logs.
Servers/server-name/security :
This directory holds security-related files that can be or must be different for each WebLogic Server instance. The file is an example of a file that resides here because it can differ from one server to the next. This directory also maintains files related to SSL keys.
Servers/server-name/tmp :
This directory holds temporary directories and files that are created while a server instance is running. For example, a JMS paging directory is automatically created here unless another location is specified. Files in this directory must be left alone while the server is running, but may be freely deleted when the server instance is shut down.
Tmp :
This directory stores temporary files used in the change management process. You should not modify any files in this directory.
user_staged_config :
By default, configuration information is automatically copied from the Administration Server to each Managed Server. If instead you prefer to stage configuration changes manually, you can use this directory as an alternative to the config directory.


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